Welcome to REDS

We provide a high-quality Montessori program for children 2-6 years of age. Guided by Dr. Maria Montessori’s principle of interconnectedness, we are a community where families and staff collaborate to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment for our children.

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portrait of Dr. Maria Montessori

child cleaning a plant


At REDS, we guide each child along their unique journey of development, empowering them with the essential tools to become confident and curious learners.

Our Programs


We focus on enriching the children’s social experience, fostering a sense of community where they are not only classmates learning together but also community members living together.


child swinging on monkey bars

two children using a map


We ensure each child’s holistic development through the esteemed standards of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). REDS is proud to be New York City’s only AMI-recognized school.

Why Montessori?