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“The urge towards growth lies within the child himself - his intelligence and character will grow whatever we may do, but we can help or hinder the growth.”
Maria Montessori

The REDS Adult & Child Program provides adults and children a chance to grow together in a Montessori environment. With guidance from REDS Toddler Guide, Hannah Richard, the children will use Montessori materials to explore the wonders of language, free movement, and their five senses while the adults observe to learn more about developmental expectations, limit setting, and ways to implement Montessori at home. 

Children who will be 18 months – 30 months by the first date of the class, but who are not currently enrolled at REDS, are eligible to attend. The parent/caregiver accompanying the child must be the same for all classes. 

Time: All classes are held from 3-4pm 
Cost: $1000 per semester. Includes 6 sessions with children and adults, 2 sessions with parent/caregiver only 

Fall Session Dates:
Thurs, October 24 (required parent/caregiver orientation class, in person at REDS) 
Tues, October 29  
Tues, Nov 5 
Tues, Nov 12 
Thurs, Nov 14th (optional parent/caregiver check-in with Hannah, via Zoom) 
Tues, Nov 19 
Tues, Dec 3 
Tues, Dec 10 
Make-up date (only if REDS needs to cancel any previous class)
Tues, Dec 17 

Winter Session: 
Thurs, Jan 9 (required parent/caregiver orientation class, in person at REDS) 
Tues, Jan 14 
Tues, Jan 21 
Tues, Jan 28 
Thurs, Jan 30th(optional parent/caregiver check-in with Hannah, via Zoom) 
Tues, Feb 4 
Tues, Feb 11 
Tues, Feb 25 
Make-up date: (only if REDS needs to cancel any previous class)
Tues, March 4 

Sign up now!

Please make a reservation for the Adult & Child Program using the form below. Currently enrolled REDS families who receive financial aid, please reach out to [email protected] prior to completing this form.  

