The toddler program is designed for children who are 2 years old. The program emphasizes functional independence, while also supporting families and children through separation and the toilet learning process.
The primary classrooms, which we call casas, are for children between the ages of 2.9 to 6 years old. The program focuses on establishing a life-long love of learning, a strong moral compass, and the foundation for creative thought and problem solving.
Adult & Child
The Adult & Child Program provides adults and children a chance to grow together in a Montessori environment. The children use Montessori materials to explore and learn while the adults about developmental expectations and ways to implement Montessori at home.
After School
REDS provides a rich variety of after-school options for children in the primary program. More details are provided to families at the start of every semester.
June Program
The June Program runs for three weeks after graduation for all currently enrolled REDS children. Staffed by a mix of REDS faculty, the program allows the children to work on special, fun projects while maintaining consistency with their school year experiences.
Lecture Series
REDS holds an annual Lecture Series and invites authors as well as experts in a variety of fields to speak to, educate, and inspire our community. Previous speakers include Dr. Tony Wagner, Michaeleen Doucleff, Michael B. Horn, Shefali Tsabary, and Janet Lansbury.